
juan@world ~: whoami

I’m Juan, an IT & Applied Maths graduate from the Open University. I went from working in IT as a technician, to doing sysadmin and project management in luxury hospitality. The biggest project will always be implementing GDPR compliance strategy. Given GDPR was not a choice but a requirement, it opened my eyes to the amount of data we generate on a daily basis through our interactions with companies both in the digital and physical realms. Of course, compliance will never equal security which establishes the question, do you need a compliance or a security strategy? I would argue that both go hand in hand, with elements of each strategy driving the other.

Aside from breaking computers, I enjoy the ocassional bout of landscape photography, hiking & camping. All elements that help forget the headaches induced from all those services that stop talking properly with one another. Followed, of course, by learning how easy it was to get the aforementionned services talking together from the begining.

Hindsight is always 20/20.